
I'm a UWA staff member, how do I log into ROAP?

The UWA login is at the top of the screen and uses UWA’s Single Sign On process.

1. From the ROAP login screen, select the "Log in with UWA Staff/Student Login" button, (you don’t use the username and password fields on the main log in screen); 

ROAP staff/student log in button 

2. Enter your username, this is in the format of {staffno.} Then click “next”

3. Enter your standard UWA password, i.e. your Pheme password. Then click “sign in”

(Note: If you’re not on the UWA network this will trigger the multifactor authentication procedure that now applied to most UWA systems)  

If you are UWA staff, please only use the procedure above to sign in. The other option on the main log in screen is for co-investigators at external organisation and will cause problems for UWA staff members. Such problems would be not being able to see your applications and projects in other systems, e.g. the UWA Research Repository.

However, if you have already created a second login, please contact the research office and we will merge your logins and this will allow you to see your applications, projects and milestones etc.

Do I need to register as a user?

If you are a UWA Staff member (including adjunct, honorary, clinical and emeritus positions), you do not need to register as a user account will have automatically been created for you. You will be able to log in using UWA Single Sign on process.

If you have no UWA affiliation you will need to create an account to log in. Noting that if you have already been added to a application within the system you will have had a user account created for you and you will have been sent a email inviting you to log in.

I'm am not a UWA staff member and have no current affiliation with UWA, how do I log into ROAP?

If you are not a UWA staff member and have already been added to an application you will have received a email inviting you to log in. In this case you will already have a user account. To log in use the lower section of the ROAP log in screen

ROAP external user log in section 

If you have not been added to an application already you can create an account from the ROAP log in screen 

Will the system send me lots of alerts/emails?

ROAP will be sending you notifications when you complete an application, or need to complete a milestone for an existing project. Make sure you check that your junk email folder isn’t filled with correspondence.

Is there a user guide for common processes?

How do I navigate around in ROAP?

When you login to ROAP you will land on your dashboard. This summary page will showTop 5 applications, projects and milestones, as well as outline your activities.

Researchers may have applications, projects and milestones. Heads of Schools and facility managers may have Decisions. Committee members may have Reviews and Meetings.

Navigate via icons in the “Your activites” section or using the top yellow header:
Clicking on this symbol from anywhere within the ROAP system takes you back to the dashboard.
Application tab takes you to all your applications, including those that have been shared with you.
Decisions tab will appear for any submitted applications that need your endorsement in order to progress. Applicable only to Heads of Schools, Facility Managers and Chairs. You will be asked to endorse, or not endorse the application or amendment.
Reviews tab takes you to all the reviews that have been assigned to you as a member of one of our ethics and compliance committees or as part of a low risk review panel.
Project tab takes you to all your already approved applications, including applications that have been shared with you.
Meetings tab takes you to any of your upcoming ethics committee meetings.
Profile tab takes you to your personal profile page where you can update your details.

How do I make a new application?

  1. The application tab takes you to all your applications, including those that have been shared with you.

  2. New applications can be started using the New Application button

  3. Choose the type of application that you are submitting

  4. Add the application title. Please try to use a descriptive title for your project and not just the scheme you are applying for. Comments are optional.

  5. Click done

How do I enter my project team or chief investigators?

All ROAP forms require you to enter the UWA Chief investigator who is responsible for administration of the grant through UWA as well as any other project or co-investigators.

  1. Enter the chief investigator by name and choose the record with a UWA email address wherever possible.
  2. Click confirm.
  3. Select the position, school and Head of School.

  4. You can add or take away co-investigators using the plus and minus icons in the grey box.

    Search for co-investigators by name. Choose the investigator with the numeric UWA email address where there is a choice. If there is no UWA email address or existing option to choose, you will need to enter an email address.

  5. Click confirm.
  6. The duplicate option can be useful if you have several researchers from the same institution.

How do I rename my application?

  1. The application tab takes you to all your applications, including those that have been shared with you.

  2. Select the three vertical dots next to the application that you wish to rename.

  3. Enter the revised title. Use a unique title that identifies your project rather than just the scheme you are applying for.

  4. Select 'Rename'.

My application has been rejected, What do I do?

  1. Log into the ROAP
  2. Navigate to the Applications
  3. Locate the application record in question (this can either be done by looking through the list or using the search function)
  4. Click the 3 dots to open up the application specific options menu
  5. Click “New Version”
  6.  screen shot to assist with steps 1-5

  7. Confirm you want to create a new version and not copy the application
  8.  Screenshot to assist with Step 6

  9. Confirm that the Title is correct and amend if required
  10. Create new version
  11.  Screenshot to assit with steps 7-8

Once the new version has been created you will be taken back to the applications screen that you navigated to in step 2. The application will now be in the status “In Progress” and you can open the form, by clicking on the identifier and edit before re-submitting.